
Risks and businesses are not restricted to national borders. On the contrary, it is especially the international market which enables the business to run, while being exposed to inadequately insured risks.

The international solutions of ATS Hanseatic Insurance Brokers are handled with the help of the ATS Group.

ATS Hanseatic Insurance Brokers provide international expertise for risk management and insurance programs via UNIBA Partners - Insurance Brokers Worldwide e. V., a network of internationally active brokers, which was already founded in 1987.

Hence, the interest and demand of our clients is met in close collaboration with our partners over 120 countries, the international office of UNIBA Partners being in Brussels. Our carefully chosen broker partners allow us to secure the reliable and professional service necessary for the expansion of our clients’ activities.

As an official Lloyd’s Correspondent OMC, the ATS Group also takes use of a direct connection to the London market. Those grand connections are used in our clients’ best interest.